The Conmusterm team members Tomislava Bošnjak Botica and Sanja Kiš Žuvela took part in the international conference HIDIS 2016 (Croatian as Second and Foreign Language) that was held at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, on December 17th, 2016. They presented a paper “Creating terminology in a non-native language: an example from the history of Croatian musical terminology”, based on the results of their work within the project.
In the history of the creation of Croatian musical terminology, a prominent place is held by two experts for whom Croatian was not their native language. The first is one of the most famous Croatian linguists and the founder of Croatian scientific terminology, Bogoslav Šulek (1816 – 1895). Šulek was of Slovak origin, and although he did not specifically deal with musical terminology, he introduced some basic terms (eg. glasba, glasovir), often using Slovenian solutions or creating names on a local basis while tolerating the use of internationalisms. The other is Franjo Ksaver Kuhač (1834 – 1911), a man of German origin, a pioneer in Croatian terminology in the field of music, the most prolific translator and creator of new musical terms to this day. Unlike Šulek, he eventually showed an increased aversion to international nomenclature, with the exception of Italian labels for performing styles of music. The paper analyzes the musical terms of the two authors in an attempt to show how the fact that they both were non-native speakers of Croatian influenced the terminology that they created, and pays special attention to possible Slavic and Germanic features on the grammatical and lexical level. The method they applied in their work, especially their attitude towards internationalisms and loan translation, characterizes two differing views of the development of Croatian musical terminology.
Key words: non-native Croatian, 19th century, terminology, music.